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Tieni d'occhio Datacoin

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Informazioni su Datacoin

Datacoin (DTC) describes itself as a trustworthy, censorship-resistant cryptocurrency that can be used for transactions and data storage on its advanced blockchain. Data coin claims to be also used as a payment method in cyberspace.

The blockchain stores data indefinitely and is retrieved using a transaction hash as an identifier. Datacoin is claimed to be a censorship-free platform that can use applications like torrent trackers, encrypted chat services, and other types of modest data storage. Developers can use the Datacoin blockchain to store torrent files, certificates, and, in the future, HTML pages and other types of meta-information. In case of data loss, these are also quite recoverable, thereby providing security to the users.

The data files are saved on the local hard drives of all Datacoin network participants. Each user has their own complete copy of all Datacoin files on their own machine. The Datacoin daemon supports only blobs. Crypto Blobs is a collection of thousands of interactive code-generated blobs that are cute, staring at the users, and users can play with them! Each blob is unique and has its own set of characteristics (eyes, color, background, features, etc.).

The Datacoin does not require any changes if the Datacoin daemon and Qt wallet are used - a JSON RPC connection is sufficient. QT Wallet is a cryptocurrency core wallet developed using the QT software framework, available for Windows, Linux, and Mac. QT Wallet is a professional client and provides full functionality available for currency. JSON-RPC is a stateless, lightweight remote procedure call protocol. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a powerful technique for building client-server-based distributed applications. The charge is currently set as 0.05 DTC for 1Kb of data. All fees go to miners, i.e., the fee is allocated according to the mining power of the nodes that support the Datacoin network.

Datacoin is a decentralized storage service's root storage engine, and the storages are both reliable and immoderate. The platform is seeking to develop the concept of personal chains. Personal chains are built on top of the Datacoin blockchain and distributed to nodes via subscription. The Datacoin blockchain solely manages the identification and some metadata for all personal chains.


Statistiche di mercato

Capitalizzazione di mercato

Dati insufficienti

Volume (24 ore)

Dati insufficienti

Offerta in circolazione

Dati insufficienti

Massimo storico

Dati insufficienti

Variazione prezzo (1 ora)


Variazione prezzo (24 ore)


Variazione prezzo (7 giorni)


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Calcolatrice Datacoin

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Il prezzo di Datacoin è in ascesa questa settimana.

Il prezzo di Datacoin è increased del 100,00% nell'ultima ora e increased del 100,00% nelle ultime 24 ore. Inoltre, il prezzo di Datacoin è risen del 100,00% nell'ultima settimana.

Domande frequenti

Qual è il prezzo attuale di Datacoin?

Aggiorniamo il prezzo di Datacoin in USD in tempo reale. Ottieni il prezzo di Datacoin in tempo reale su Coinbase.

Quali altri asset sono simili a Datacoin?

Gli asset che hanno una capitalizzazione di mercato simile a Datacoin includono Gekko HQ, Secretum, Humans.ai e molte altre. Per visualizzare un elenco completo, consulta la pagina asset con capitalizzazione di mercato comparabili.

Posso acquistare Datacoin su Coinbase?

No, Datacoin non è attualmente disponibile su Coinbase, ma puoi registrarti per ottenere gli ultimi aggiornamenti su Datacoin e ricevere una notifica quando l'asset sarà aggiunto alla nostra piattaforma.

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