Voyager Token (VGX) is not tradable on Coinbase.
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Voyager Token Price (VGX)
Market stats
Voyager Token is on the rise this week. ↗
The price of Voyager Token has increased by 2.76% in the last hour and increased by 6.18% in the past 24 hours. Voyager Token’s price has also risen by 17.58% in the past week. The current price is $0.0100 per VGX with a 24-hour trading volume of $774.37K. Currently, Voyager Token is valued at 99.92% below its all time high of $12.54. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Voyager Token since its launch.
The current circulating supply of Voyager Token is 342,690,850.871 VGX which means that Voyager Token has as total market cap of $3,422,946.62.
Data is sourced from CoinMarketCap and other third parties. We make no representation on the accuracy of the data provided. Learn more
Market cap
Volume (24h)
342.7M VGX
Hold time
Not enough data
All time high
Price change
1 hour
↗ 2.76%
1 day
↗ 6.18%
1 week
↗ 17.58%
2 weeks
↘ 8.68%
1 month
↘ 22.12%
1 year
↘ 90.38%
1 year benchmarks
↘ 90.12%
Vs. Market
↘ 94.45%
↘ 95.02%
↘ 89.92%
About Voyager Token
VGX is an Ethereum token that’s used to reward and incentivize use of the Voyager centralized exchange. On Voyager, VGX holders can earn staking rewards, receive cashback on trades, and more.
Voyager (VGX) is a regulated crypto broker that offers investors an easy, safe, and convenient experience in crypto asset trading. The platform executes orders across multiple exchanges and gives customers access to a liquid market. To simplify the process, Voyager offers an app that aims to make trading accessible, fast, and user-friendly and charges no commission for trading via the application.
As a crypto broker, the network envisions people all around the globe utilizing crypto assets to empower their financial freedom. According to the Voyager whitepaper, the platform aims to resolve the following problems traders and crypto stakers encounter when trading on various exchanges.
Simplicity: Trading and buying cryptocurrency in the crypto market involves complexities and can be confusing for stakers.
Solution: Voyager has created an easy-to-use application that simplifies and automates advanced crypto trading, staking, and earning rewards.
Liquidity: Unlike stock trading, there are challenges relating to price discrepancies across the crypto market. In addition, for crypto-asset exchanges, the order book is subject to price volatility and slippage and is relatively thin.
Solution: Voyager connects to multiple exchanges and liquidity providers to bring in liquidity, thereby aggregating prices across markets and executing order flow in seconds. Further, Voyager offers Smart Order Router technology that aims to quickly fill orders and lock in prices by processing data in real time.
Fungibility: Presently, the crypto-asset ecosystem is bisected from traditional assets. This creates a lengthy and challenging process to exchange traditional currency into crypto assets and back into traditional currency.
Solution: Voyager is aiming to bridge equity markets, real-world assets, and crypto assets by designing a new frontier of fungibility.
All-in-one: Certain platforms require converting traditional currency to crypto assets on one platform and then transferring those assets elsewhere to earn competitive yield rates or acquire other crypto assets.
Solution: Voyager empowers crypto stakers to gain broader access to the crypto markets by offering an easy traditional currency on-ramp and off-ramp, a yield reward program, and an altcoin selection. Through these features, Voyager aims to provide an easy-to-use and all-in-one destination.
With the solutions mentioned above, Voyager creates more choice, transparency, and a cost-efficient alternative for trading crypto assets.
VGX (Voyager Token) is the native utility token of the platform. The token is designed to reward Voyager customers for their loyalty, motivate community members to participate in the multifaceted rewards functions of VGX, and hold VGX in their Voyager accounts.
To grow further, in 2021, Voyager token underwent token swaps and mergers and created VGX 2.0. The token functions on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC20 and boosts the crypto earning potential even higher with 7% staking rewards. Furthermore, VGX 2.0 token offers twofold benefits of rewarding and incentivizing customers for their organic behaviors and actions on the platform.
Steve Ehrlich, Phillip Eytan, Oscar Salazar, and Gaspard de Dreuzyare are the founders of Voyager token. Ehrlich is the CEO and was previously the CEO of Tradier, Inc., a financial technology firm. Eytan is a serial entrepreneur and cofounded Pager, a digital health start-up. Oscar Salazar is the cofounder of Uber as its founding architect and CTO.
Voyager Digital Ltd. and its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as Voyager, is the developer of Voyager (crypto-asset platform). Proceeding to the native token, VGX has its roots in the Ethos Token (launched in 2017). Voyager acquired in 2019 and incorporated the technology, team, and native token into the Voyager ecosystem. Going forward, the Ethos Token was rebranded as the Voyager Token in early 2020.
In 2020, Voyager acquired LGO (a licensed European exchange in France). As a part of the platform’s expansion plan, the native tokens of Voyager were integrated into a new single token model (VGX 2.0) for adoption at a global level.
Voyager offers the Voyager Loyalty Program, an expanded rewards program that involves automatic enrollment of customers followed by staking and earning VGX. Through the program, customers can earn VGX rewards and achieve and maintain other reward benefits on the platform. Further, by staking more VGX 2.0, users can scale up the reward tiers in the loyalty program on the platform. These tiers ascend from Adventurer to Explorer to Navigator. To qualify for the Voyager Loyalty Program, customers simply need to maintain a balance of VGX 2.0 in their Voyager account.
We update our Voyager Token to USD currency in real-time. Get the live price of Voyager Token on Coinbase.
The current market cap of Voyager Token is $3.42M. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
The all-time high of Voyager Token is $12.54. This all-time high is highest price paid for Voyager Token since it was launched.
Over the last 24 hours, the trading volume of Voyager Token is $774.37K.
Assets that have a similar market cap to Voyager Token include Argentine Football Association Fan Token, Inflation Hedging Coin, Rai Reflex Index, and many others. To see a full list, see our comparable market cap assets.
The current circulating supply of Voyager Token is 343 million.
Voyager Token ranks 253 among tradable assets on Coinbase. Popularity is currently based on relative market cap.
Currently, 75% of Coinbase users are buying Voyager Token. In other words, 75% of Coinbase customers have increased their net position in Voyager Token over the past 24 hours through trading.
Voyager Token Price History
Date | Price | Change |
Today (February 12, 2025) | $0.0100 | +6.38% |
24 hours ago (February 11, 2025) | $0.0094 | +6.18% |
1 week ago (February 5, 2025) | $0.0084 | +17.58% |
1 month ago (January 12, 2025) | $0.0125 | -22.12% |
1 year ago | $0.10 | -90.38% |
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Voyager Token Calculator
How much is 1 VGX?
Conversion Table
Some highlights about Voyager Token on social media
123 unique individuals are talking about Voyager Token and it is ranked #2,011 in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Voyager Token has an average sentiment score of 3 out of 5. Finally, Voyager Token is becoming more newsworthy, with 0 news articles published about Voyager Token. This is a 0% increase in news volume compared to yesterday.
On Twitter, people are mostly neutral about Voyager Token. There were 29.55% of tweets with bullish sentiment compared to 2.27% of tweets with a bearish sentiment about Voyager Token. 68.18% of tweets were neutral about Voyager Token. These sentiments are based on 176 tweets.
On Reddit, Voyager Token was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 comments about Voyager Token. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.
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123 people
180 posts
Volume rank
Average Sentiment
3 out of 5
Tweet Count
176 people
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