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Report Content for Legal Reasons

Last updated: April 20, 2022

If you see content on Coinbase NFT that you believe violates your legal rights, whether an NFT or a comment, let us know. You can use one of the forms linked below to create a removal request. We’ll review the content and consider removing it. For our approach to content moderation and a list of content that is prohibited on Coinbase NFT, review our Coinbase NFT Content Policy. If you have concerns that an NFT violates local law, please flag it! Instructions for flagging content in-product are here.

Intellectual Property

Coinbase respects the valid intellectual property (IP) rights of others and we expect users of Coinbase NFT to do the same. Posting content that constitutes an infringement of legal rights violates our Terms of Service and may be removed at our discretion. Coinbase complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and we’ll respond to claims of copyright infringement using DMCA procedures.If you’re an intellectual property owner or authorized to act on behalf of one, you can report infringement by submitting a notification of claimed IP infringement here. If we remove any content in response to your request, we will use reasonable efforts to notify the NFT owner of your report so they can understand why their content was removed and can contact you directly to resolve any dispute.If you are subject to multiple claimed IP infringement reports resulting in your content being removed, your account may be disabled under our repeat infringer policy. The actions we take under this policy will depend on the nature of the reported content, the number of times we had to take down your content, or any other appropriate action we have taken in response to complaints about your content or other activities on Coinbase NFT.You also can send a properly completed notification of claimed IP infringement (email preferred) to our designated copyright agent at:

Coinbase Technologies, Inc. 248 3rd Street, #434 Oakland, CA, 94607 Attn: Copyright Agent Phone: 302-203-9720 Email:

Written submissions to our copyright agent may take longer to process and must include ALL of the following information for us to take action:

1. The legal first and last name of the person submitting the report. Pseudonyms are not legal names and will not be accepted.2. Sufficient contact information for the person submitting the report. This may be an email address, telephone number, and/or a mailing address.3. The legal name of the IP rights owner. If the owner is an individual, provide the legal first and last name. If the owner is a corporation, provide the full corporate name.4. A brief description of the protected IP, including any applicable registration numbers.5. A brief explanation of how the IP has been infringed.6. The name of the NFT and the Coinbase NFT URL associated with the infringing content.7. The following statement:  

I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the rights owner, its agent or the law. The information in this notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I as the complaining party am authorized to act on behalf of the rights owner. I understand that I shall be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, Coinbase incurs related to any misrepresentation that Coinbase relies on to remove or disable access to the material claimed to be infringing.

8. A physical or electronic signature of the person submitting the report.Please note that there are legal and financial consequences for submitting fraudulent or bad faith infringement reports. Before submitting your report, make sure you: (1) are the lawful rights owner or are legally authorized to act on behalf of the lawful rights owner, and (2) have a good faith belief that the content is infringing.For more information, see the Report Claimed IP infringement FAQs below.

Privacy requests or other non-consensual content

If you find content on Coinbase NFT that does not have your consent or the consent of a minor in your custody, we will review it for potential removal. This could include an NFT containing a picture of you or personal information about you. Use this form to create a removal request.

Report Claimed IP infringement FAQs 

What happens after I submit a notification of a claimed IP infringement?

When we receive a properly submitted notification of a claimed IP infringement, we’ll take whatever action we deem appropriate. 

For copyright issues we comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and we’ll respond to claims of copyright infringement using DMCA procedures.  If we remove the reported content, we will use reasonable efforts to notify the NFT owner and they will have an opportunity to send a counter-notice to us explaining why they think their content was removed in error. If the NFT owner submits a properly completed counter-notice in response to a notice of claimed copyright infringement, we will send you a copy. We may restore the NFT if, after receiving the counter-notice, you do not file a court action against the NFT owner and inform us of the court action.

For trademark, right of publicity, or other IP issues if we remove the reported content, we will use reasonable efforts to notify the NFT owner of your report so they can understand why their content was removed and/or can contact you directly to resolve any dispute.

What happens if an NFT is removed? 

If we remove an NFT in response to a notification of claimed IP infringement, NFT owners that have provided an email address associated with their Coinbase NFT account will be notified directly by email.  NFT owners that have not provided an email will be notified directly on Coinbase NFT (e.g., a 404 page indicating that content has been removed). 

How do I submit a DMCA counter-notice? 

You can send your counter-notice to us at The counter-notice must include ALL of the following information to be considered: 

1. The legal first and last name of the person submitting the counter-notice. Pseudonyms are not legal names and will not be accepted.

2. The contact information of the person submitting the counter-notice for service of process including an email address, telephone number, and physical address.

3. The name of the NFT and Coinbase NFT URL associated with the removed content.

4. A brief reason why the person submitting the counter-notice believes the content was removed in error. For example, “I have permission from the copyright owner to use the image.”

5. Write the following statements: 

I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which my address is located (if outside the United States, I consent to the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California where Coinbase Technologies, Inc. is located), and I will accept service of process from the person who provided the notification of claimed IP infringement or an agent of such person. 

Under penalty of perjury, I have a good faith belief that use of the content in the manner complained of is not a copyright violation, my content was removed by mistake or misidentification, and the information in this counter-notice is accurate.

6. A physical or electronic signature of the person submitting the counter-notice.

What happens after I submit a DMCA counter-notice - will the content be reposted?

Once you submit a properly completed counter-notice, we will send a copy to the party that submitted the notice of claimed copyright infringement, and they will have 10 business days to send us a copy of the court action filed against you or to confirm the dispute is resolved. If we don’t receive a timely filed verification of the court action, we may repost the content at issue. If we repost the content, we’ll remove the complaint from your Coinbase NFT account record. 

What happens if a notice of claimed IP infringement (or counter-notice) is submitted in bad faith (e.g. known to be false/fraudulent)? 

There are legal and financial consequences for submitting a fraudulent or bad faith notice of claimed IP infringement or counter-notice. You can be sued and held liable for damages caused by filing a false claim or counter-notice.

What happens if multiple IP infringement claims are submitted against me?

Coinbase NFT’s Repeat Infringer policy is to disable a user account in circumstances where the user has numerous IP infringement complaints on their NFT account record and has been deemed a repeat infringer.