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Coinbase NFT Content Policy

Last updated: April 20, 2022

Coinbase has a simple approach to content moderation.  We follow local laws wherever we operate.  In addition, we use the spirit of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as our guide to what type of legal speech to allow globally.  

Our global framework for content decisions is as follows:  

  • Is it illegal content in a jurisdiction in which we operate?  If yes, we will remove in that specific jurisdiction

  • Is it unprotected content under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution? If yes, we will remove globally

  • Will an app store require us to remove the content to adhere to their guidelines?  If yes, we will remove globally or locally as required by the app store

What does this mean in practice? Here’s guidance to help you figure out what’s allowed and what’s not on our platform: 

  • Keep it legal. We expect you to comply with local laws and regulations. In the United States, we generally allow content that is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.   In the United States, content that we prohibit includes NFTs that: 

    • Facilitate unlawful gambling

    • Facilitate sexually related services such as prostitution and escort services

    • Facilitate sale of narcotics, regulated goods and controlled substances

    • Contain child exploitation content, including images that depict minors in the nude or in suggestive poses

    • Fundraising and support for terrorist organizations

    • Threaten violence

  • Make sure content belongs to you.  We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and will take down infringing content, including NFTs that use images without permission.  If you have a DMCA takedown request or another IP takedown request, contact us.

  • Get consent before posting images of other people.  We will take down content that is not consensual and will comply with Right to Be Forgotten requests where valid. If you are depicted in an NFT without your consent, you can contact us for removal requests.

  • No fraudulent, deceptive or scammy activity.  Don’t engage in misleading activity including fake collections, NFTs that are intended to create confusion with a popular NFT or NFTs which include deceptive links to external domains. If you post scams, malware, phishing or other similar content that violates local law or consumer protection guidelines, we will take it down and ban you.  We will also report fraud on our platform to local authorities. 

  • No financial activity that may be subject to registration.  We don’t allow NFTs that may be subject to financial regulation on our platform.  This includes creating or selling NFTs that give owners rights to any securities offerings or other regulated financial instruments. We also don’t allow market manipulation on our platform such as selling an NFT to yourself to create a misleading price (wash trading) and will ban users for this practice. 

  • We allow legal adult and sensitive content where permitted by law.  Our platform is 18+, but not everyone wants to see sensitive or graphic content.  It’s on you to label your content as NSFW so that it gets appropriately filtered and a window shade is added.  

The Terms of Service sets out additional policies, information and requirements for Coinbase NFT.  See here for more information about our legal removals request process.

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