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Start building with a free mainnet RPC endpoint

Base is a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum L2 built to bring the next billion users onchain.

Base Node Hero

Key Features

Free private RPC endpoint

Get started building on Base with a free rate limited Base RPC endpoint for mainnet.

Ethereum L2

Confidently deploy any EVM codebase and onramp your users and assets from Ethereum L1, Coinbase, and other interoperable chains.

Big features

Get early access to Ethereum features like Account Abstraction (ERC4337), simple developer APIs for gasless transactions, and smart contract wallets.

Scales by Coinbase

Seamless Coinbase integrations, easy fiat onramps, and access to the assets on platform in the Coinbase ecosystem.

Build simple onchain user experiences

Sponsor gas and bundle transactions with the Account Abstraction Kit (now available with Base Node)

  • Sponsor gas: Improved the user experience by removing gas fee friction.

  • Batch transactions: Consolidate multi-step transactions into a single action to reduce your gas fees.

  • Secure Infrastructure: Comply with ERC-4337, providing a robust and standardized infrastructure.

  • Get Started Free: Free access to  Base RPC node endpoint, and 0.25 ETH in gas credits.

Account Abstraction Kit Hero

Paymaster & Bundler

Improve the user experience while reducing gas friction

  • Sponsor transaction costs for users

  • Save on gas fees by bundling transactions

  • 0.25 ETH in free gas credits

Paymaster & Bundler Right Aligned

Start building with an open source demo

Build a demo game featuring the Account Abstraction Kit by using the Build Onchain App Toolkit (BOAT).

  • Save time: Essential development resources, all in one place

  • Open source: Code samples and open-source products from Base

  • Plug and play: Copy paste the code into interactive templates


No representation or warranty is made, express or implied, with respect to the future performance of any digital asset, financial instrument or other market or economic measure. Recipients should consult their advisors before making any investment decision. Coinbase, Inc. is not registered or licensed in any capacity with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.