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vSportCoin (VSC) nie podlega handlowi na Coinbase.

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Informacje o vSportCoin

vSport chain is a non-profit, open-sourceblockchain-enabled network built for the sports world. The platform is regarded as the "Ethereum" of the sports business. According to the whitepaper, the vSport chain aims to empower any individual or entity in the sports world to develop a unique profile and get recognized on the vSport chain. The platform also seeks to present a full interface SDK (Software Development Kit) so that participants do not need to bother about mining usage, node management, and hacker threats. These threats are common in traditional blockchain systems.

vSport chain smart contract is also known as a vSport contract. It is a bundle of programs and data stored on the vSport chain with a unique address. vSport chain aims to establish an underlying sports value assessment system and a value settlement mechanism and tp issue vSportCoin tokens. The platform seeks to support cross-chain asset exchange protocols wherein multiple participants can swap assets across different blockchains. 

vSport creates an extensive ecosystem and digital framework for the industry that benefits all participants while developing a core value declaration framework based on the VSC token.

VSC is the native token of the vSport chain platform. VSC is a digital asset that embodies the value of each participant in any form in the actual sports environment. The platform provides a certain amount of VSC incentives to users as per the volume and accuracy of data submitted by them. vSport chain aims to implement a DPOS (Delegated Proof Of Stake) consensus mechanism wherein delegates are selected by voting from VSC holders. 

vSport chain network began its operations in December 2017. Wesley Sneijder is the director of the vSport chain while Qiang Bai is its executive director. The whitepaper of the vSport chain was published in March 2018. VSC tokens have a total supply of 2.5 billion units.


Statystyki rynku

Dane pochodzą od stron trzecich. Nie składamy żadnych oświadczeń co do prawidłowości podanych danych. Dowiedz się więcej

Kapitalizacja rynkowa

Niewystarczające dane

Wolumen (24h)

Niewystarczające dane

Ilość waluty na rynku

Niewystarczające dane

Maksimum historyczne

Niewystarczające dane

Wyniki rynkowe

Zmiana ceny (1 godz.)


Zmiana ceny (1 d)


Zmiana ceny (1 t)


Zmiana ceny (2 tyg.)

Niewystarczające dane

Zmiana ceny (1 m)


Zmiana ceny (1 rok)


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vSportCoin rośnie w tym tygodniu.

Cena aktywa vSportCoin increased o 100,00% w ciągu ostatniej godziny i increased o 100,00% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Ponadto cena aktywa vSportCoin risen o 100,00% w ciągu ostatniego tygodnia.

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Jaka jest aktualna cena vSportCoin?

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Czy mogę kupić vSportCoin na Coinbase?

Tak, kryptowaluta vSportCoin jest obecnie dostępna w portfelu Coinbase. Aby uzyskać bardziej szczegółowe informacje, zapoznaj się z naszym przewodnikiem jak kupić vSportCoin.