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Introducing Coinbase Community

By Author


, January 29, 2015

, 2 min read time

Today we’re announcing the launch of Coinbase Community, a discussion site for Coinbase customers. With this site we hope to generate a knowledge base where our customers can help out one another and also have closer communication with Coinbase employees.


Who is the Coinbase Community site for?

For Consumers: What features would you like to see in your bitcoin wallet? What bug has been annoying you for months? We would love to hear from you how we can be serving you better.

For Merchants: How are you thinking about accepting bitcoin payments? How have you integrated Coinbase into your business? Let us know what is working well and what isn’t.

For Developers: Are you trying to integrate bitcoin into a product or service? Get your API questions answered by other developers, and discuss strategies for launching your app on the largest bitcoin API platform.

Coinbase Community is running on modern forum software powered by, which means it has lots of helpful features like nested conversations, up-voting, and mobile support that make it easy to use. We’ve also integrated our tip button in case you see an especially helpful post!

If you have a Coinbase account, you already have a Coinbase Community account — just click here to get started!

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