Last month, we launched the Coinbase Source Fund. We were excited to the see the warm reception for supporting open source projects. We also received some thoughtful feedback and have increased our contribution to $25,000 per month.This month’s theme is Ruby! Ruby has been a “first class” language at Coinbase since day one. As a team, we’ve written hundreds of tools and services in Ruby and create more every day. One of Ruby’s great strengths is its open source ecosystem, so we’re excited to make donations to some of our favorite projects.
Where would we be without Bundler and RubyGems? Ruby Together is a “grassroots initiative committed to supporting the critical Ruby infrastructure you rely on.” These projects and others that they support are invaluable; they power the entire Ruby ecosystem. Today we’re donating $12,750 to Ruby Together, and will be contributing an additional $2,000 each month for the following 5 months.
Our Ruby testing story revolves around RSpec. It allows us to write expressive, concise and beautiful specs for our ever growing stable of tools and services. It’s part of the default Gemfile in every Coinbase Ruby project, and we’re grateful for how well it has served our team over the years. Today we’re donating $5,000 to the RSpec team.
Rubocop is the kind of software you don’t know you need until you try it, and are unable to live without once you do. Also an entry in the default Gemfile for every Coinbase Ruby project, it keeps us all in sync on coding style. We love being able to apply new rules to existing code as we evolve. Rubocop does a great job of keeping up with the language as it matures and we’re happy to be able to contribute to that effort. Today we’re donating $5,000 to the Rubocop team.
For our first round of donations last month, we gave a total a $2,500 to some of our favorite open source JavaScript projects. Some of the feedback we received helped us realize that recurring donations help provide stability to these projects. Because we’ve decided to increase the budget since that first round, we want to extend that to our previous recipients as well. We’ll be sending monthly donations of $1,000 each to Webpack and Babel, and $250 to MobX for the next 6 months.The links in this blog post are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Coinbase of any of the content or views expressed by or on any external site. Coinbase bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.