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Comprar MINE Network con Coinbase Wallet

MINE Network se puede intercambiar con Coinbase Wallet, tu llave para el mundo de las criptomonedas.

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Acerca de MINE Network

MINE Network is a cross-chain mining Metaverse solution that aims to connect the worlds of DeFi, GameFi, and NFTs into one consolidated, user-friendly open-source protocol. It strives to provide a fully integrated hashrate-based environment developed for effortless machineless mining. MINE Network seeks to cater to crypto enthusiasts worldwide by tokenizing real hashrates, issuing cross-chain compatible assets, and bridging traditional mining with the GameFi space through its unique Metaverse - the MINEverse.

MINE Network operates through a robust multi-chain infrastructure. It works by tokenizing real hashrates and issuing cross-chain compatible assets. Retail miners can acquire the pTokens and stake them to receive mining rewards. Once the pTokens are staked, the retail miners will receive transferable synthetics wTokens. The mining power of standardization mining pools is added through self-building, and by the contribution from other mining pools which switch their mining power into MINE Network. The community can use the MINE Network Bridge product to transfer pTokens from one blockchain to another, to exchange or share.

MINE Network has several potential use cases. It aims to provide a platform where players, collectors, and miners can take advantage of a fully integrated hashrate-based environment for effortless machineless mining. It also seeks to standardize mining power and the issuance of standard hashrate tokens for more than a dozen mining projects. MINE Network also intends to encourage miners to use their pTokens in different DeFi protocols on multi-chains. Furthermore, it aims to provide a scalable hashrate mining protocol where any mining pools outside the MINE Network could freely enter or exit the standardized mining pools on the MINE Network after mining power standardization.

The MINE Network project was established in the fourth quarter of 2020. The draft of the whitepaper was completed in the first quarter of 2021, followed by the official whitepaper release and the official website launch in the second quarter of the same year. The specification documentation was finished in the first quarter of 2022, along with the Master Miner NFT sales and the completion of the design phase. The MVP was completed and the testing phase was initiated. The testing phase and the pre-launching stage were completed, leading to the launch of the MINEverse.


Estadísticas de mercado

Capitalización de mercado

No hay suficientes datos

Volumen (24 h)

No hay suficientes datos

Suministro circulante

No hay suficientes datos

Récord histórico

No hay suficientes datos

Rendimiento del mercado

Cambio de precio (1 h)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 día)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 semana)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (2 semanas)

No hay suficientes datos

Cambio de precio (1 mes)

+100 %

Variación de precios (1 año)

+100 %

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El precio de MINE Network está en alza esta semana.

El precio de MINE Network ha increased por 100,00 % en la última hora y increased por 100,00 % en las últimas 24 horas. El precio de MINE Network también ha risen en 100,00 % en la última semana.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cuál es el precio actual de MINE Network?

Actualizamos nuestro MINE Network a la moneda USD en tiempo real. Consulta el precio de MINE Network en tiempo real en Coinbase.

¿Qué otros activos son similares a MINE Network ?

Los activos que tienen una capitalización de mercado similar a MINE Network incluyen Ethereum, Tether, BNB y muchos otros. Para ver una lista completa, consulte nuestros activos de capitalización de mercado comparables.

¿Puedo comprar MINE Network en Coinbase?

Sí, actualmente MINE Network está disponible en la billetera de Coinbase. Para obtener instrucciones más detalladas, revisa nuestra guía útil Cómo comprar MINE Network.