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Compra Zombie Inu con Coinbase Wallet

Se puede operar con Zombie Inu en Coinbase Wallet, tu llave al mundo de las criptomonedas.

Acerca de Zombie Inu

Zombie Inu, or ZINU, is a token that aims to link users by allowing them to be part of Zombieverse. Zombieverse is a platform that aims create a powerful community which can help build a commercialized brand from entertainment, fashion and collectables industry  . According to the platform, the main goal of the Zombieverse project is to provide long-term value to ZINU token holders through the Zombie Mob community. 

The platform seeks to provide a variety of utilities for ZINU holders. Primarily, the holders utilize the ZINU token across multiple blockchains such as Ethereum (ETH), Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and Polygon through bridging. This bridging allows the Zombie Inu project to be available on both the ETH and BSC networks and enables traders to transfer ZINU tokens between these networks easily. Bridging also aims to function as an arbitrage that evens out price instability on one side. 

An important offering for the ZINU token holders is access to ultra-rare assets in the platform. Accordingly, the platform endeavors to launch a “Zombie Mob Secret Society” (ZMSS) collection, which offers fully animated non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in three dimensions having attributes like flip, walk, run, dance, etc. Each of the NFTs in this collection is unique, aiming to provide holders with a completely new ZINU with a variety of attributes and characteristics. 

Another feature the platform aims to offer its users is Zombie Swap. Zombie Swap is an easy-to-use portal where users can trade stablecoins like DAI, USDT, and ETH to purchase ZINU tokens. ZINU token holders can interact via the community’s proprietary platform, Zombie Den. Zombie Den is a decentralized social network for ZINU holders, with the goal of hosting new revenue opportunities that directly benefit holders and boost the long-term value of being a member of the ZombieMob.

YourPop and Dale, along with a team of professional marketers and artists, developed Zombie Inu in 2021. The team consists of senior team members who have worked at Amazon, Intel, Google,  Microsoft, etc. and have extensive connections to leaders in the technology, media, and entertainment industries. A strategic board of advisors comprising Ziggy Kormandel, Justin Montgomery, Digger Mesch, and others supports the platform. 

The platform reports a maximum total supply of 1 quadrillion ZINU tokens each for ETH and BSC networks, as ZINU operates independently on both of these chains.  

ZINU offers stake functionality for token holders. Staking aims to reward long-term holders involved with the Zombie Inu project. The platform provides two ways to stake: through the BSC and ETH mainnet. After the user enters the amount of ZINU tokens to be staked in the portal, a transaction fee payment is prompted. Once the transaction is confirmed, users receive a message that the ZINU tokens are staked along with the rewards earned. 

The tokens, once staked, are locked for seven days on the portal. After the period of seven days, users receive rewards and can choose to maintain the ZINU staked or unstake it. However, if users desire to unstake ZINU before the seven-day time lock, the rewards accumulated up to that period are forfeited.


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Zombie Inu está al alza esta semana.

El precio de Zombie Inu ha increased en un 100,00 % en la última hora y increased en un 100,00 % en las últimas 24 horas. El precio de Zombie Inu también ha risen en un 100,00 % en la última semana.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cuál es el precio actual de Zombie Inu?

Actualizamos nuestro Zombie Inu a EUR en tiempo real. Obtén el precio de Zombie Inu actual en Coinbase.

¿Qué otros activos son similares a Zombie Inu?

Entre los activos que tienen una capitalización de mercado similar a Zombie Inu se encuentran Ethereum, Tether, BNB y muchos otros. Para ver una lista completa, consulta nuestros activos con capitalización de mercado comparable.

¿Puedo comprar Zombie Inu en Coinbase?

Sí, Zombie Inu está disponible actualmente en Coinbase Wallet. Para obtener instrucciones más detalladas, consulta nuestra útil guía Cómo comprar Zombie Inu.