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Comprar Davincij15 Token con Coinbase Wallet

Davincij15 Token se puede intercambiar con Coinbase Wallet, tu llave para el mundo de las criptomonedas.

Acerca de Davincij15 Token

Davincij15 token (DJ15) is the native token of the Davinci Codes platform. Davinci Code is a platform that seeks to offer various solutions to leverage and augment decentralized innovations, making them easier to use for the average person. Davinci Codes develops software that provides solutions aimed at helping users interact with blockchain technologies and make them faster to implement.

The Davinci Codes platform has a crypto wallet named Pandora’s wallet that connects directly with different exchanges seeking to enable users to effortlessly transfer the desired number of tokens between the wallet and the exchange. Pandora is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet allowing users to connect to various exchanges. The system is designed to support hundreds of currencies, making the trading experience smoother. The users need not remember the login credentials for different currencies they wish to trade.

Moreover, the company has plans to launch another version of Pandora’s wallet soon. The newer version, Pandora’s wallet 2.0, aims to be a peer-to-peer portable wallet that does not require any centralized third party to manage trade between cryptocurrencies. A peer-to-peer service allows two individuals to interact directly without intermediation by a third party. In addition, this version also has a decentralized key recovery system. The wallet can manage the portfolio and automate the process of trading5.

The wallet seeks to offer many other features. Some of them are as follows:

DJ15 token was mainly launched to raise funds for the DavinciJ15 YouTube channel to improve the content and video quality. The token can be stored on Pandora’s wallet, metamask wallet, and other hardware wallets. DJ15 token is a deflationary token. Deflationary tokens are cryptocurrencies that decrease in total supply with time.

A software developer and crypto YouTuber, Davinci Jeremie launched the DJ15 token on August 16, 2020. The maximum total supply of DJ15 tokens is 2.1 million tokens.


Estadísticas de mercado

Capitalización de mercado

No hay suficientes datos

Volumen (24 h)

No hay suficientes datos

Suministro circulante

No hay suficientes datos

Récord histórico

No hay suficientes datos

Rendimiento del mercado

Cambio de precio (1 h)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 día)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 semana)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (2 semanas)

No hay suficientes datos

Cambio de precio (1 mes)

+100 %

Variación de precios (1 año)

+100 %

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Calculadora de Davincij15 Token

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El precio de Davincij15 Token está en alza esta semana.

El precio de Davincij15 Token ha increased por 100,00 % en la última hora y increased por 100,00 % en las últimas 24 horas. El precio de Davincij15 Token también ha risen en 100,00 % en la última semana.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cuál es el precio actual de Davincij15 Token?

Actualizamos nuestro Davincij15 Token a la moneda USD en tiempo real. Consulta el precio de Davincij15 Token en tiempo real en Coinbase.

¿Qué otros activos son similares a Davincij15 Token ?

Los activos que tienen una capitalización de mercado similar a Davincij15 Token incluyen Ethereum, Tether, BNB y muchos otros. Para ver una lista completa, consulte nuestros activos de capitalización de mercado comparables.

¿Puedo comprar Davincij15 Token en Coinbase?

Sí, actualmente Davincij15 Token está disponible en la billetera de Coinbase. Para obtener instrucciones más detalladas, revisa nuestra guía útil Cómo comprar Davincij15 Token.