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Access onchain data for free

Easily let users see their current wallet balances, balance history, and transaction history directly within your app.

CDP - Onchain Data API - Hero

Embed data natively in your app

Transaction History

List historical transactions for an address.

Balance History

Get the latest and lifetime balances for an address.

Historical Data Points

Get the balance histories for an asset of an address.

Run your first request in three lines of code

Our documentation makes it easy to get started.

Below the fold_Graphic 2.png

No representation or warranty is made, express or implied, with respect to the future performance of any digital asset, financial instrument or other market or economic measure. Recipients should consult their advisors before making any investment decision. Coinbase, Inc. is not registered or licensed in any capacity with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.