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Bitcoin.com taps Coinbase Cloud to take their products multi-chain

October 10, 2022

Bitcoin.com works with Coinbase Cloud to enable blockchain connectivity and facilitate the trading of new assets on their platform.

Bitcoin.com has been a global leader for introducing newcomers to crypto since its founding in 2015. Their self-custodial wallet makes it easy for anyone to securely buy, spend, trade, invest, earn, and stay up-to-date on crypto. As they look to expand into more protocol ecosystems, Bitcoin.com partnered with Coinbase Cloud to enable blockchain connectivity and facilitate the trading of new assets on the platform.

From Bitcoin Origins to Multichain Web3 Wallet

Bitcoin.com originated as a Bitcoin exchange and educational platform with the mission of creating more economic freedom in the world. That has since expanded to cover all aspects of the crypto ecosystem, timely and objective news, and accessible self-custodial products for investing, trading, and earning with crypto. Most recently, the company secured over $33M in a private sale for their upcoming utility and rewards token VERSE. As of May 2022, Bitcoin.com services over 5 million verified active users with over 32 million self-custody wallets across nearly every country on the planet.

Bitcoin.com’s growth plans expand access to the crypto economy and embrace a multi-chain future. Andrei Terentiev, Director of Engineering at Bitcoin.com, commented on this expansion:  “Providing a multichain wallet is a cornerstone of [our] mission. We want users to be able to interact with the chains, networks, and assets that they value the most.”

To do so, the exchange and trading platform needed reliable node infrastructure for multiple blockchains. However, accessing blockchain data can be complicated and resource intensive. So as Bitcoin.com considered this expansion, its resource and technical infrastructure requirements became exacerbated. 

Enabling Multi-Chain Connectivity

With a growing user base all over the planet, Bitcoin.com required reliable, scalable, and geographically distributed nodes. After assessing providers to realize their multi-chain vision, Bitcoin.com decided to partner with Coinbase Cloud. Cloud’s Enterprise Node product, a fully-managed and customizable infrastructure solution, fit their requirements. Powered by Cloud’s Enterprise Node, Bitcoin.com will enable the trading of two new protocols, Ethereum and Avalanche. This development represents Bitcoin.com’s largest expansion beyond the Bitcoin ecosystem. 

“By moving to Coinbase Cloud we were able to bypass any time needed to study how to deploy and scale Avalanche nodes. Whereas our infrastructure team would have previously spent several weeks researching how to launch these, and then spend hours monitoring them in production in case something went wrong, we are able to move forward with our Avalanche integration with confidence.” -- Andrei Terentiev, Director of Engineering at Bitcoin.com

Beyond fully managed nodes, Cloud’s Enterprise Node product guarantees 99.9% SLA uptime and optimizes for minimal latency. With optionality across two cloud providers and eight regions, Bitcoin.com was able to configure their deployment to meet the specific demands of their users. Today Bitcoin.com enjoys a dedicated and personalized infrastructure that scales with their business. With the help of Cloud, Bitcoin.com can support more tokens at lower fees.

Expanding Access to the Crypto Economy

Aligned with their mission of creating more economic freedom in the world, Bitcoin.com is maximizing the opportunity for its users: “Providing a diverse offering of chains in our self-custodial wallet opens up more doors for our users to buy, sell, spend, trade, and invest in a self-custodial and permissionless manner.”

Cloud’s managed infrastructure equips the platform with multi-chain read-write functionality. Speaking about the partnership, Cloud’s Tom Warner added: “Each new addition of a blockchain comes with added developer work and technical lift. We partnered with Bitcoin.com to streamline the release of their multi-chain application and return time back to their team.” With Cloud, Bitcoin.com can query on-chain data utilizing the Enterprise Node product. Key information such as token positions, wallet information, and asset balances can be retrieved via node infrastructure. Working with Cloud means relieving the technical work necessary to enable a multi-chain experience for the end users.

“We’ve already migrated all of our ETH infrastructure to Coinbase Cloud from AWS without any hiccups. This has allowed us to cut costs by 20% compared to our previous node infrastructure. We will be launching our Avalanche C Chain integration at the end of August so that all Bitcoin.com users will be able to buy, send, and receive AVAX in their Bitcoin.com wallets.” -- Andrei Terentiev, Director of Engineering at Bitcoin.com

To learn more about working with Coinbase Cloud, contact us.