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Comprar ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set con Coinbase Wallet

ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set se puede intercambiar con Coinbase Wallet, tu llave para el mundo de las criptomonedas.

Acerca de ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set

The ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set (ETHBTCRSI) is an asset management platform built on the blockchain. The Set platform uses existing decentralized finance (DeFiprotocols to provide financial infrastructure to their users. The Set platform aims to create a collateralized bundle that stores digital assets. The assets and other cryptocurrencies are to be represented as ERC-20 tokens on the native network of the Set platform. 

According to the whitepaper, the Set platform seeks to integrate external platforms to employ DEX trades and yield farming. The Set platform is governed and owned by its community. The developers of Sets protocol believe that as the number of users, both individuals and organizations, who use digital tokens for financial activities grows, the number of tokens will increase as well. With higher numbers of tokens, the need for a standardized multi-token protocol also becomes necessary. Set developers implement abstraction to create a token that represents the underlying tokens in the basket. Thereby, multiple tokens are defined using a single token. 

SET is the native transferable, abstract token of the Set protocol. SET is a smart contract that adheres to the ERC-20 standards, is redeemable, collateralized, represents a specific list of assets, and is open-source. Open-source indicates that no single administrator or user causes changes to the collateral tokens. By representing multiple tokens, SET benefits from transaction fees. Calculating the intrinsic value of the SET token is done by summing the value of the represented tokens. The SET token is also to be utilized as a market index token. 

Using the multi-token functionality of the SET token, the Set platform assists in creating dApps. A further goal of the Set platform is to expand the DeFi ecosystem through its services.

The Set platform is headed by CEO Felix Feng, CPO Inje Yeo, CTO Alex Soong, Software Engineer Justin Chen, and Dylan Tran. The whitepaper of the Set  platform was launched in April 2019. 


Estadísticas de mercado

Capitalización de mercado

No hay suficientes datos

Volumen (24 h)

No hay suficientes datos

Suministro circulante

No hay suficientes datos

Récord histórico

No hay suficientes datos

Rendimiento del mercado

Cambio de precio (1 h)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 día)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 semana)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (2 semanas)

No hay suficientes datos

Cambio de precio (1 mes)

+100 %

Variación de precios (1 año)

+100 %

Noticias sobre ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set

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El precio de ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set está en alza esta semana.

El precio de ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set ha increased por 100,00 % en la última hora y increased por 100,00 % en las últimas 24 horas. El precio de ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set también ha risen en 100,00 % en la última semana.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cuál es el precio actual de ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set?

Actualizamos nuestro ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set a la moneda USD en tiempo real. Consulta el precio de ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set en tiempo real en Coinbase.

¿Qué otros activos son similares a ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set ?

Los activos que tienen una capitalización de mercado similar a ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set incluyen Ethereum, Tether, BNB y muchos otros. Para ver una lista completa, consulte nuestros activos de capitalización de mercado comparables.

¿Puedo comprar ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set en Coinbase?

Sí, actualmente ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set está disponible en la billetera de Coinbase. Para obtener instrucciones más detalladas, revisa nuestra guía útil Cómo comprar ETH/BTC RSI Ratio Trading Set.