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Comprar Multicoin con Coinbase Wallet

Multicoin se puede intercambiar con Coinbase Wallet, tu llave para el mundo de las criptomonedas.

Acerca de Multicoin

Multicoin (MTCN) is an ERC20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain and a single means of exchange on Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM). MOM is an advanced blockchain-built marketplace that allows users to trade any product or service on a peer-to-peer network. The Multiven Coin (Multicoin) is a digital currency operated and strengthened by Ethereum smart contracts. The coin is specially created for new, pre-owned, recycled IT, software, network hardware, and other services. Since Multicoin is the only medium of exchange on MOM, no transaction can occur without its native token.

In addition, every transaction on the platform generates fixed proof-of-ownership (PoO) data on the blockchain. As every transaction is documented over the Ethereum blockchain with timestamp and ownership details, the PoO feature of MOM helps other DApps in fetching their required data. Moreover, MOM doesn’t incur any fees or commissions on any purchase. To ensure the transaction’s authenticity, all the transacting participants need to stake refundable MTCN double the asset’s price. However, the bet amount is refunded to both parties once the purchaser approves the receiving of assets.

According to the Multicoin whitepaper, Multiven introduced MOM to simplify trading and sharing networks without intermediaries at a meager cost. Moreover, Multiven aims to control, utilize, and deploy free, public artificial intelligence to protect cryptocurrency networks from harmful cyber attacks. Apart from this, the platform intends to sustain the integrity of the software that operates the non-blockchain internet networks worldwide. Also, Multiven targets record and map each device on the internet and make them accessible on the global blockchain network.

Furthermore, Multiven Coin (Multicoin) provides decentralized software integrity maintenance and cyber-defense services to all internet networks. The coin also features freedom and socioeconomic empowerment with transparency, securing future humankind by fostering full node decentralization into space.

Multicoin and MoM were introduced by Peter Alfred-Adekeye, ex technical leader at Cisco Systems. Alfred-Adekeye has also created Pingsta, a decentralized community platform for technical leaders, engineers, and scientists.

As per the whitepaper, the maximum supply of Multicoin (MTCN) is 2 billion MTCN, representing 100% of the Multicoin token supply.


Estadísticas de mercado

Capitalización de mercado

No hay suficientes datos

Volumen (24 h)

No hay suficientes datos

Suministro circulante

No hay suficientes datos

Récord histórico

No hay suficientes datos

Rendimiento del mercado

Cambio de precio (1 h)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 día)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (1 semana)

+100 %

Cambio de precio (2 semanas)

No hay suficientes datos

Cambio de precio (1 mes)

+100 %

Variación de precios (1 año)

+100 %

Noticias sobre Multicoin

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El precio de Multicoin está en alza esta semana.

El precio de Multicoin ha increased por 100,00 % en la última hora y increased por 100,00 % en las últimas 24 horas. El precio de Multicoin también ha risen en 100,00 % en la última semana.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cuál es el precio actual de Multicoin?

Actualizamos nuestro Multicoin a la moneda USD en tiempo real. Consulta el precio de Multicoin en tiempo real en Coinbase.

¿Qué otros activos son similares a Multicoin ?

Los activos que tienen una capitalización de mercado similar a Multicoin incluyen Ethereum, Tether, BNB y muchos otros. Para ver una lista completa, consulte nuestros activos de capitalización de mercado comparables.

¿Puedo comprar Multicoin en Coinbase?

Sí, actualmente Multicoin está disponible en la billetera de Coinbase. Para obtener instrucciones más detalladas, revisa nuestra guía útil Cómo comprar Multicoin.