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Купить Trillion через Coinbase Wallet

Trillion можно торговать через Coinbase Wallet — ваш ключ к миру криптовалют.

О Trillion

Trillion (TRL) is a BEP-20 token that functions as the utility token within the decentralized e-commerce platform provided by TrillionCrypto.com. Its primary use is within the TrillionCrypto.com Digital Downloads Marketplace. The token serves as a tokenized reward for high-performing digital downloads publishers and is also redistributed to regular digital product customers within the store in the form of a coupon. These coupons can be redeemed against various cryptocurrencies across different liquidity pools managed by the network's majority holders.

Trillion operates within the TrillionCrypto.com Digital Downloads Marketplace, where it serves as a tokenized reward for high-performing digital downloads publishers. It is also redistributed to regular customers of digital products within the store in the form of a coupon. These coupons can be redeemed against various cryptocurrencies across different liquidity pools. The token is paired with various cryptocurrencies in different liquidity pools, and more tokens will be released over time in line with the growth of the network.

Trillion aims to contribute to the decentralized e-commerce space by providing a tokenized reward system for digital downloads publishers and customers. It seeks to incentivize high performance among publishers and encourage regular patronage among customers. The token can be redeemed against various cryptocurrencies in different liquidity pools, thereby providing users with a range of options for utilizing their rewards. This system aims to foster a vibrant and active digital downloads marketplace.

Trillion is the brainchild of senior web developer Stephane Jolicoeur, who has extensive experience in programming and the e-commerce industry. Recognizing the potential advantages of cryptocurrency adoption as a payment method, Jolicoeur developed TrillionCrypto.com, a decentralized digital downloads marketplace. The platform allows anyone to publish and sell their digital downloadable products and receive cryptocurrencies. The maximum supply of Trillion is 1,000,000,000, with around 11% (approximately 110,000,000) currently in circulation and available across various liquidity pools.


Market stats

Рыночная капитализация

Недостаточно данных

Объем (24 часа)

Недостаточно данных

Оборот активов

Недостаточно данных

Рекордный максимум

Недостаточно данных

Market performance

Изменение цены (1 ч.)

+100 %

Price change (1d)

+100 %

Price change (1w)

+100 %

Price change (2w)

Недостаточно данных

Price change (1m)

+100 %

Price change (1y)

+100 %

Новости о Trillion

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Сопоставимая рыночная капитализация

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Расширенная торговля

Вот подборка популярных спотовых и фьючерсных рынков

Познакомьтесь с другими активами

Подборка других актуальных криптовалют

Калькулятор Trillion

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Цена Trillion на этой неделе выросла.

Цена актива Trillion increased на 100,00 % за последний час и increased на 100,00 % за последние 24 часа. Цена актива Trillion также risen на 100,00 % на прошлой неделе.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Какова текущая цена Trillion?

Мы обновляем курс Trillion к USD в режиме реального времени. Следите за динамикой цены Trillion на Coinbase.

Какие активы похожи на Trillion?

По рыночной капитализации на Trillion похожи Ethereum, Tether, BNB и многие другие активы. Полный список см. в разделе активы с сопоставимой рыночной капитализацией.

Можно ли купить на Coinbase валюту Trillion?

Да, Trillion можно приобрести через Coinbase Wallet. Процесс покупки подробно описан в нашей инструкции «Как купить Trillion».