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О MktCoin

MKTCoin (MLM) is an innovative digital currency seeking to facilitate prompt payments to anyone globally. As per its website, encrypted currencies and digital currency have already been in circulation for years. However, most virtual currencies are replicas of some other digital currency. The value of the digital currency depletes and eventually goes off the market sooner than anticipated. Thus, MKTCoin seeks to stand out as a long-standing digital currency, functioning on peer-to-peer blockchain technology. 

MKTCoin is a secure cryptocurrency running without any central authority. The network collectively conducts activities like issuing a new cryptocurrency and managing transactions. MLM or the official MKTCoin virtual currency wishes to benefit users with an appreciated value of their earnings. MLM aims to combine the purpose of conventional currencies with the perks of experimental digital currencies. The cryptocurrency enables users to make purchases, settle bills, keep earning, and doing a lot more while being rewarded for doing so.  

MKTCoin Core, an open-source software, functions as the backbone of the MLM network. The software aims to ensure seamless utilization of the cryptocurrency. Besides powering the network, the software efficiently downloads and stores MKTCoin transaction history. The cryptocurrency is available on decentralized exchanges (DEX) to help users trade MLM crypto-tokens secure and quick. MKTCoin intends to provide secure financial solutions on the blockchain. Crypto wallet like ELECTRUM is utilized to store the MLM tokens.  

The cryptocurrency network combines the proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism and masternodes to validate transactions on the blockchain. Users can stake MLM tokens to roll in additional revenues and token rewards. The network encourages users to practice mining of MLM. However, the rewards awarded to miners are halved every two years. Halving implies reducing the token rewards in half to restrict the supply of new tokens while upholding the value of crypto tokens. MKTCoin enables users to use MLM as a primary mode of payment in eShops and businesses like Punto Virtual and more. 


MKTCoin was first launched in 2018. The maximum supply of MKTCoin is 10,000,000,000 tokens. 


Market stats

Рыночная капитализация

Недостаточно данных

Объем (24 часа)

Недостаточно данных

Оборот активов

Недостаточно данных

Рекордный максимум

Недостаточно данных

Market performance

Изменение цены (1 ч.)

+100 %

Price change (1d)

+100 %

Price change (1w)

+100 %

Price change (2w)

Недостаточно данных

Price change (1m)

+100 %

Price change (1y)

+100 %

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Цена MktCoin на этой неделе выросла.

Цена актива MktCoin increased на 100,00 % за последний час и increased на 100,00 % за последние 24 часа. Цена актива MktCoin также risen на 100,00 % на прошлой неделе.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Какова текущая цена MktCoin?

Мы обновляем курс MktCoin к USD в режиме реального времени. Следите за динамикой цены MktCoin на Coinbase.

Какие активы похожи на MktCoin?

По рыночной капитализации на MktCoin похожи Ethereum, Tether, BNB и многие другие активы. Полный список см. в разделе активы с сопоставимой рыночной капитализацией.

Можно ли купить на Coinbase валюту MktCoin?

Нет, Coinbase сейчас не поддерживает MktCoin, но вы можете зарегистрироваться, чтобы получать последние новости про MktCoin. Когда эта валюта появится на нашей бирже, мы пришлем вам уведомление.