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Купить Cardanomics через Coinbase Wallet

Cardanomics можно торговать через Coinbase Wallet — ваш ключ к миру криптовалют.

О Cardanomics

Cardanomics (ADX) functions as a rebase system-based token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network with Cardano (ADA) rewards and buybacks. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) refers to a network with smart contract functionality and compatibility. According to the whitepaper, the rebasing system is known as elastic supply in non-specialists’ language, meaning a method that adjusts the price floor by altering the total supply and other liquidity pools and wallets in a similar ratio. This rebasing system comes out as a counter to the reward distributing process of the platform.

Thus, in simple words, the platform is designed in such a way that the price of the ADX token is managed to satisfy the traders.

Additionally, the overall supply of the Cardanomics token is fashioned to reduce periodically with a predetermined percentage. This supply decrease seeks to impact the fully diluted ADX token supply along with each crypto wallet that holds ADX. At the same time, the decreased number of tokens through rebase is utilized proportionally to keep the number of BNB in the liquidity provider pool unchanged.

Furthermore, Cardanomics aims to deploy unique tokenomic features that can help network traders to generate value. The rebase system aims to introduce new possibilities for the platform token along with ADA rewards distribution. These ADA rewards can simply be the source of passive income for Cardanomics users. The platform has implemented a low tax on trading services for traders to seek to enjoy the price floor of ADX. The token distribution involves keeping 2% of LP pool tokens to aim to ensure healthy liquidity for network traders. At the same time, 2% of tokens are kept safe for buyback strategies to ensure that the chart always stays green, and 4% of tokens are utilized for marketing for exposure to new traders. Buyback implies a method where a platform buys back its own tokens to limit the supply and increase its overall market value. Lastly, 2% tokens are held by the development team to seek to maintain rebase structuring along with automatic distribution of 5% tokens to holders every 3 hours.

Cardanomics is the sub-domain of Cardano with an aim of being the first rebase along with ADA rewards and buyback token on the BSC.


Статистика рынка

Рыночная капитализация

Недостаточно данных

Объем (24 часа)

Недостаточно данных

Оборот активов

Недостаточно данных

Рекордный максимум

Недостаточно данных

Динамика рынка

Изменение цены (1 ч.)

+100 %

Изменение цены (1 д)

+100 %

Изменение цены (1 нед)

+100 %

Изменение цены (2 нед.)

Недостаточно данных

Изменение цены (1 мес)

+100 %

Изменение цены (1 г.)

+100 %

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Цена Cardanomics на этой неделе выросла.

Цена актива Cardanomics increased на 100,00 % за последний час и increased на 100,00 % за последние 24 часа. Цена актива Cardanomics также risen на 100,00 % на прошлой неделе.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Какова текущая цена Cardanomics?

Мы обновляем курс Cardanomics к USD в режиме реального времени. Следите за динамикой цены Cardanomics на Coinbase.

Какие активы похожи на Cardanomics?

По рыночной капитализации на Cardanomics похожи Ethereum, Tether, BNB и многие другие активы. Полный список см. в разделе активы с сопоставимой рыночной капитализацией.

Можно ли купить на Coinbase валюту Cardanomics?

Да, Cardanomics можно приобрести через Coinbase Wallet. Процесс покупки подробно описан в нашей инструкции «Как купить Cardanomics».