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Globiance Exchange Token


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Sobre Globiance Exchange Token

Globiance Exchange Token (GBEX) is the native utility token for the Globiance ecosystem, a fintech platform that integrates crypto solutions into the traditional banking system. The Globiance platform provides a variety of services including a platform for trading cryptocurrencies, banking services, payment gateways, stablecoins, and a decentralized marketplace. GBEX is used for a multitude of functions within the ecosystem, including processing transaction fees, running liquidity pools on the network, and participating in governance votes to determine the allocation of network resources and the development of the token. GBEX is a Generation 3.0 Exchange Token with a deflationary model, meaning that all transactions are subject to a 4% tax, with 2% being burned and 2% distributed to holders. This model aims to reduce the total supply of GBEX over time, providing users with additional tokens for holding GBEX in their wallets.

GBEX operates within the Globiance ecosystem, serving as the primary medium for transaction fees and other platform operations. It is used daily on all Globiance platforms worldwide. The token's deflationary model means that every transaction involving GBEX incurs a 4% tax. Half of this tax (2%) is burned, effectively removing it from circulation, while the other half is distributed among GBEX holders. This mechanism aims to gradually decrease the total supply of GBEX, thereby potentially affecting its utility over time. Additionally, GBEX is used in governance votes, allowing token holders to have a say in the allocation of network resources and the future development of the token.

GBEX has a wide range of potential use cases within the Globiance ecosystem. It is used to pay for transaction fees on the platform, with users benefiting from discounts when they pay with GBEX. The token is also used to run liquidity pools on the network, providing a crucial function in the platform's decentralized marketplace. Furthermore, GBEX holders can participate in governance votes, influencing decisions about how network resources are allocated and how the token is developed. As the Globiance platform continues to grow and attract more users, the daily use of GBEX is expected to increase, potentially leading to an increase in usage.

The Globiance Project, which includes the GBEX token, was initiated in 2018 by founders Irina La Rosa, Oliver Marco La Rosa, Alexander Pfau, and Sascha La Rosa. Oliver Marco La Rosa brought over 13 years of experience servicing European banks and supporting their IT platforms, which now benefits the Globiance ecosystem. The project has grown significantly since its inception, with a core team of directors across the world and over 150 employees on five continents. The GBEX token was designed as a utility token for the Globiance platform, with a deflationary model to encourage usage and potential utility growth. Today, GBEX continues to serve as a crucial component in the Globiance ecosystem, contributing to its operations and governance.


Estatísticas de mercado de Portugal

Capitalização total do mercado

€ 13,9 mi

Volume (24 h)

€ 247.735,93

Oferta em circulação

368,3 tri GBEX

Máximo de sempre

€ 0,00000046

Alteração de preço (1 h)


Alteração de preço (24 h)


Alteração de preço (7 d)


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Globiance Exchange Token está em queda esta semana.

O preço de Globiance Exchange Token tem decreased 0,07% na última hora e increased 0,18% nas últimas 24 horas. O preço Globiance Exchange Tokentambém fallen 0,88% na última semana. O preço atual é de € 0,00000004 por GBEX com um volume de negociação em 24 horas de € 247,74 mil. Atualmente, Globiance Exchange Token está avaliado em 91,93% abaixo do seu máximo histórico de € 0,00000046. Este máximo histórico foi o preço mais alto pago por Globiance Exchange Token desde o seu lançamento.

A oferta circulante atual de Globiance Exchange Token é 368.291.239.680.733 GBEX , o que significa que Globiance Exchange Token tem uma capitalização total do mercado de 368.291.239.680.733.

Perguntas frequentes

Qual é o preço atual de Globiance Exchange Token?

Atualizamos o nosso Globiance Exchange Token para a moeda EUR em tempo real. Obtenha o preço atual de Globiance Exchange Token na Coinbase.

Qual é a capitalização do mercado de Globiance Exchange Token?

A atual capitalização do mercado de Globiance Exchange Token é € 13,89 mi. Uma capitalização do mercado elevada implica que um ativo é altamente valorizado pelo mercado.

Qual é o maior valor histórico de Globiance Exchange Token?

O maior valor histórico de Globiance Exchange Token é € 0,00000046. Este maior valor histórico é o preço mais alto pago por Globiance Exchange Token desde o seu lançamento.

Qual é o volume de negociação de 24 horas de Globiance Exchange Token?

Nas últimas 24 horas, o volume de negociação de Globiance Exchange Token foi € 247,74 mil.

Que outros ativos são semelhantes a Globiance Exchange Token?

Os ativos com uma capitalização do mercado semelhante a Globiance Exchange Token incluem MixTrust, Sabai Ecoverse, Wonderful Memories e muitos outros. Para ver uma lista completa, consulte os nossos ativos com capitalização do mercado comparável.

Quantos Globiance Exchange Token existem?

A atual oferta em circulação de Globiance Exchange Token é 368 trilhões.

Posso comprar Globiance Exchange Token na Coinbase?

Não, Globiance Exchange Token não está atualmente disponível na Coinbase, mas pode registar-se para obter as notícias mais recentes sobre Globiance Exchange Token e ser notificado quando for adicionado à nossa plataforma de negociação.

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