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Bitcoin Latinum


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Sobre Bitcoin Latinum

Bitcoin Latinum (LTNM) is a next-generation Bitcoin hard fork that uses an energy-efficient consensus process to make the network more scalable and sustainable. LTNM seeks to continue Satoshi Nakamoto's vision of Bitcoin as a bankless, peer-to-peer electronic payment system. This network is an open architectural cryptocurrency technology project based on the protocol, source code, and algorithm of Bitcoin. According to the whitepaper, the purpose of the project is to improve the Bitcoin code to improve security, dependability, transaction speed, and cost. The token is capable of high transaction volumes, cyber-security, and digital asset management. 

Bitcoin Latinum uses an advanced Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism to overcome the problems of Proof of Work-based networks. Using a more efficient consensus mechanism, this project offers an improved on-chain payment network that decreases transaction size and enhances the transaction volume capability. Latinum's PoS mechanism lets users keep their coins in their wallets and engage in the network for the sake of consensus. However, the users must meet particular criteria to stake their currency, i.e., the coins have to be mature enough to get staked. The coins that are staked must be in a compatible address or transaction type. 

To obtain good governance, Bitcoin Latinum employs a representative government model. The model is accomplished by allowing the community members to engage in the protocol's governance mechanism via a staking model. The purpose is to safeguard Bitcoin Latinum from 51 percent attacks, which frequently uncover serious weaknesses in many existing protocols.

The Bitcoin Latinum network's crypto coin is LTNM. The increased total supply of LTNM allows for lower transaction costs. LTNM holders can earn incentives for holding their coins as collateral to stake on the Bitcoin Latinum network through PoS mining. Mining rewards are in proportion to the number of coins held by a staker.

Monsoon Blockchain Corporation is the main developer of the Bitcoin Latinum Project that works on behalf of the Bitcoin Latinum Foundation. The website of the LTNM network was launched in the year 2020. 

The maximum supply of the Bitcoin Latinum token is 888,888,888 LTNM.


Estatísticas de mercado de Portugal

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Bitcoin Latinum está em ascensão esta semana.

O preço de Bitcoin Latinum tem increased 100,00% na última hora e increased 100,00% nas últimas 24 horas. O preço Bitcoin Latinumtambém risen 100,00% na última semana.

Perguntas frequentes

Qual é o preço atual de Bitcoin Latinum?

Atualizamos o nosso Bitcoin Latinum para a moeda EUR em tempo real. Obtenha o preço atual de Bitcoin Latinum na Coinbase.

Que outros ativos são semelhantes a Bitcoin Latinum?

Os ativos com uma capitalização do mercado semelhante a Bitcoin Latinum incluem TERRABYTE AI, CakeWSwap, Save Environment Token e muitos outros. Para ver uma lista completa, consulte os nossos ativos com capitalização do mercado comparável.

Posso comprar Bitcoin Latinum na Coinbase?

Não, Bitcoin Latinum não está atualmente disponível na Coinbase, mas pode registar-se para obter as notícias mais recentes sobre Bitcoin Latinum e ser notificado quando for adicionado à nossa plataforma de negociação.

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