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Acheter Swiss Franc grâce à Coinbase Wallet

L'actif Swiss Franc peut être tradé grâce à Coinbase Wallet, qui vous ouvre les portes du monde des cryptomonnaies.

À propos de Swiss Franc

PegNet (PEG) is a decentralized, non-custodial network of tokens pegged (stabilized) to different currencies and assets. A currency peg is a method where a national government fixes the exchange rate of its currency with a foreign currency. PegNet allows trading and conversion of value without the need for counterparties. PegNet is an auditable, open- source stablecoin and logical network using the competition of Proof of Work (PoW) and external oracles (entities that connect blockchains to external systems). With a community-driven movement, PegNet seeks to put crypto users in control of trading, mining and holding decentralized stablecoins. Ultimately, PegNet plans to become a complete decentralized stablecoin system.

As per its whitepaper, trusting a centralized institution with crypto assets is tricky. Whenever a centralized institution collapses, crypto holders suffer. Stablecoins, on the other hand, enjoy a reputation of decentralization yet operate on vulnerable reserve-based systems. The reserve systems have a central point of failure that again causes a challenge to stablecoin holders. To replicate what Bitcoin did for traditional currency, PegNet aims to do the same with stablecoins. As a result, PegNet launched a decentralized network of stablecoins.

Working: Every ten minutes, PoW miners report the prices of tokens pegged to traditional currencies, crypto assets, and commodities like gold and silver. In this decentralized system, there are no third-party intermediaries. Users purchase or mine PegNet native PEG token and convert it into any pegged asset on the network. Native tokens can be converted to any pAsset on the network with no slippage, and with limitless liquidity. An example of a pegged asset is pBTC (pegged bitcoin).

The PegNet wallet, one of the facilities offered by PegNet, allows the users to convert between pegged tokens. The wallet is free from the involvement of intermediaries. The PegNet wallet is fully responsible for managing the transactions and balances for different assets. Another feature within PegNet is the PegNet Explorer, which allows users to view the activities that take place on the PegNet protocol.  

PegNet was launched in 2019. 


Statistiques du marché (Canada)


Données insuffisantes

Volume (24 h)

Données insuffisantes

Total en circulation

Données insuffisantes

Niveau historique

Données insuffisantes

Fluctuation de prix (en 1 heure)

+100 %

Variation en 24 h

+100 %

Fluctuation de prix (7 jours)

+100 %

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Calculatrice de Swiss Franc

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Le Swiss Franc est en hausse cette semaine.

Le cours de Swiss Franc a increased de 100,00 % au cours de la dernière heure, et increased de 100,00 % dans les dernières 24 heures. Le cours de Swiss Franc a également risen de 100,00 % au cours de la dernière semaine.


Quel est le prix actuel de Swiss Franc ?

Nous mettons à jour la valeur de nos Swiss Franc dans la devise CAD en temps réel. Obtenez le prix des Swiss Franc en direct sur Coinbase.

Puis-je acheter des Swiss Franc sur Coinbase ?

Oui, les Swiss Franc sont actuellement disponibles sur le portefeuille Coinbase. Pour obtenir des instructions plus détaillées, consultez notre guide utile expliquant comment acheter des Swiss Franc.