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Acheter BunnyVerse grâce à Coinbase Wallet

L'actif BunnyVerse peut être tradé grâce à Coinbase Wallet, qui vous ouvre les portes du monde des cryptomonnaies.

À propos de BunnyVerse

BunnyVerse is a cross-chain network that is designed to enhance the gaming experience. Cross-chain is a technology that improves the interconnection between different blockchain networks by allowing the exchange of value and information. The asset aims to offer a truly decentralized gaming platform as a service using decentralized technologies along with minimal transaction charges. The vision of BunnyVerse is to create a trusted gaming space and create more gaming opportunities for their game players. The network seeks to launch maintained and verified games validated by their auditing team to make sure all traders can access scam-free crypto assets.

Further, BunnyVerse aims to create an ecosystem that works hard to deliver fine products within the metaverse, crypto, and Web3. Web3 is a third-generation internet service for applications and websites that anyone can use without having to generate access credentials. The network seeks to be a launchpad and platform for newly created and released games targeting a sophisticated gaming audience. The platform intends to add more platforms and resources over time, such as DAO, NFT marketplace, additional BunnyVerse games, and new developer games. BunnyVerse has immersive role-player games like ‘The Search for Warren Metaverse’. In addition, the network has a generative art PFP project that enables BunnyVerse token holders to mint ‘The Search for Warren NFT’ prior to the full game launch.

BNV is the organizing token for the platform. This digital token is the fuel for the entire ecosystem that runs on the ERC-20 network. By holding a BNV token, the holder is claimed to be able to access the presale for the upcoming projects.

BunnyVerse was released in the first quarter of 2022 and has rebranded the platform. The founding team members include Sush (founder), Brad Joyce (development head), and Kavita Smith (marketing head). The token had an initial supply of one trillion coins and was launched on December 20, 2021.


Statistiques du marché (Canada)


Données insuffisantes

Volume (24 h)

Données insuffisantes

Total en circulation

Données insuffisantes

Niveau historique

Données insuffisantes

Fluctuation de prix (en 1 heure)

+100 %

Variation en 24 h

+100 %

Fluctuation de prix (7 jours)

+100 %

Actualités sur BunnyVerse (Canada)

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Calculatrice de BunnyVerse

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Le BunnyVerse est en hausse cette semaine.

Le cours de BunnyVerse a increased de 100,00 % au cours de la dernière heure, et increased de 100,00 % dans les dernières 24 heures. Le cours de BunnyVerse a également risen de 100,00 % au cours de la dernière semaine.


Quel est le prix actuel de BunnyVerse ?

Nous mettons à jour la valeur de nos BunnyVerse dans la devise CAD en temps réel. Obtenez le prix des BunnyVerse en direct sur Coinbase.

Quels autres actifs sont similaires à BunnyVerse ?

Parmi les actifs qui ont une capitalisation boursière similaire à BunnyVerse, on trouve Ethereum, Tether, BNB, et bien d'autres actifs. Pour voir la liste complète, consultez la liste de nos actifs à capitalisation boursière comparable.

Puis-je acheter des BunnyVerse sur Coinbase ?

Oui, les BunnyVerse sont actuellement disponibles sur le portefeuille Coinbase. Pour obtenir des instructions plus détaillées, consultez notre guide utile expliquant comment acheter des BunnyVerse.