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Acheter BlockWarrior grâce à Coinbase Wallet

L'actif BlockWarrior peut être tradé grâce à Coinbase Wallet, qui vous ouvre les portes du monde des cryptomonnaies.

À propos de BlockWarrior

BlockWarrior (BLWA) is a platform that combines decentralized yield-farming applications with NFT gaming. According to its whitepaper, the BlockWarrior ecosystem consists of the metaverse and the players can summon NFT digital collectibles On the platform, players can use their unique characters to fight in PVP battles, complete Boss missions, evolve into different elements, level up, and profit in the game. BlockWarrior gamers can also receive NFTs within the game.

BLWA is the native token of the platform. To get into the game, players need to connect their wallets to purchase BLWA tokens. As the platforms run on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), players must have a small amount of BNB assets to pay for transactions. Players can then summon two types of stones, i.e., Ancient summoning stones and Elemental summoning stones. Using these, players can summon warriors based on different elements like wind, water, fire, electricity, and earth. To earn on the platform, players can place warriors on Battlefield for a prize pool of up to twenty million BLWA.

The platform has a dedicated marketplace to trade soldiers and summoning stones. The platform charges fees of 5 percent for trading. Warriors stationed in the marketplace are unable to fight or rest on the Battlefield or at the Training Camp.

The team of the platform has created a referral system that allows BlockWarrior players to invite their friends using their unique referral links to increase the number of players. Each successful referral who purchases an item or Summoning Stone in the Store receives a 0.5 percent commission on the total transaction price.

The total supply of the BLWA token is one hundred million. According to the token distribution, 8 percent is reserved for the seed round, 12 percent for private sale, and 10 percent for public sale. On the other hand, 8 percent for liquidity provider, 16 percent for training camp, and 20 percent for BattleField are reserved.


Canada Market Stats


Données insuffisantes

Volume (24 h)

Données insuffisantes

Total en circulation

Données insuffisantes

Niveau historique

Données insuffisantes

Canada Market performance

Fluctuation de prix (en 1 heure)

+100 %

Price change (1d)

+100 %

Price change (1w)

+100 %

Price change (2w)

Données insuffisantes

Price change (1m)

+100 %

Price change (1y)

+100 %

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Calculatrice de BlockWarrior

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Le BlockWarrior est en hausse cette semaine.

Le cours de BlockWarrior a increased de 100,00 % au cours de la dernière heure, et increased de 100,00 % dans les dernières 24 heures. Le cours de BlockWarrior a également risen de 100,00 % au cours de la dernière semaine.


Quel est le prix actuel de BlockWarrior ?

Nous mettons à jour la valeur de nos BlockWarrior dans la devise CAD en temps réel. Obtenez le prix des BlockWarrior en direct sur Coinbase.

Puis-je acheter des BlockWarrior sur Coinbase ?

Oui, les BlockWarrior sont actuellement disponibles sur le portefeuille Coinbase. Pour obtenir des instructions plus détaillées, consultez notre guide utile expliquant comment acheter des BlockWarrior.