Numeraire Price (NMR)
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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Learn more about asset risks.
Investment Risk
Market stats
Numeraire is on the decline this week. ↘
The current price is £12.04 per NMR with a 24-hour trading volume of £12.99M. Currently, Numeraire is valued at 91.25% below its all time high of £137.72. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Numeraire since its launch.
The current circulating supply of Numeraire is 7,850,040.064 NMR which means that Numeraire has as total market cap of 7,850,040.064.
7.9M NMR
26 days
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Learn more about asset risks.
This data was sourced in real-time from Coinbase and other third party market vendors. Real-time data may encounter temporary delays due to system performance or downtime.
Price change
↗ 4.97%
↘ 0.74%
↘ 9.36%
↘ 29.86%
↘ 18.58%
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Learn more about asset risks.
This data was sourced in real-time from Coinbase and other third party market vendors. Real-time data may encounter temporary delays due to system performance or downtime.
About Numeraire
Numeraire is an Ethereum token that powers Numerai, a San Francisco-based hedge fund that crowdsources artificial intelligence to make investments in major stock markets around the world. Numeraire (NMR) holders can stake their NMR tokens every week on specific predictions. Successful predictions are rewarded with more NMR.
Numeraire (NMR) is a cryptocurrency token associated with Numerai, an Ethereum-based platform that encourages data scientists and developers to create and experiment with machine learning models. The primary objective of Numerai is to introduce decentralization into the field of data science, fostering competition in the creation of effective machine learning prediction models. Unlike traditional hedge funds, Numerai utilizes data and predictions generated by participants in a tournament to engage in stock market activities. The platform seeks to utilize machine learning in its strategies.