
Over Coinbase

Crypto creëert economische vrijheid door ervoor te zorgen dat mensen eerlijk kunnen deelnemen aan de economie, en Coinbase is op een missie om de economische vrijheid voor meer dan 1 miljard mensen te vergroten. We vernieuwen het eeuwenoude financiële systeem door een vertrouwd platform te bieden dat het mensen en instellingen gemakkelijk maakt om zich bezig te houden met crypto-activa, inclusief handel, inzetten, bewaring, uitgaven en snelle, gratis wereldwijde overschrijvingen. We bieden ook kritieke infrastructuur voor on-chain activiteiten en ondersteunen bouwers die onze visie delen: dat on-chain het nieuwe online is. En samen met de cryptogemeenschap pleiten we voor verantwoorde regels om de voordelen van crypto overal ter wereld beschikbaar te maken.

Coinbase powers the cryptoeconomy

Customers around the world discover and begin their journeys with crypto through Coinbase. 245,000 ecosystem partners in over 100 countries trust Coinbase to easily and securely invest, spend, save, earn, and use crypto.


Our Commitment to Compliance

A strong compliance foundation is critical to Coinbase’s mission of being the most trusted crypto platform. To this end, we have developed a Compliance Program that is rooted in best practices from traditional financial services as well as innovative, sophisticated compliance technology to bring the crypto industry forward. We hold a high standard for what assets we list, what services we provide, and who has access to our products. 

Check out the links below to learn more about our commitment to compliance and the technology we use to keep the crypto economy safe.

Compliance and Protecting Personal Information

Nieuwste complianceblogs

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April 28, 2023

How Coinbase monitors tokens we list for ongoing compliance

Coinbase monitors the tokens we list to ensure they remain aligned with our listing standards.

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April 14, 2023

A deep dive into sanctions compliance

Coinbase is committed to compliance with relevant laws and regulations in the places we operate so customers can feel safe using our platform.

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March 31, 2023

Identity verification and financial compliance

Trust is built on dependable security and protections — which is why we make protecting your account & your digital assets our number one priority.

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November 1, 2022

Regulators and Industry: Building a Path to Compliance 3.0

Coinbase submitted its response to the U.S. Treasury Department’s request for comment on “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets,” which focuses on the risk of illicit finance in crypto.

Ons managementteam

Brian Armstrong
Brian Armstrong
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Emilie Choi
Emilie Choi
President & Chief Operating Officer
Alesia Haas
Alesia Haas
Chief Financial Officer
L.J. Brock
L.J. Brock
Chief People Officer
Paul Grewal
Paul Grewal
Chief Legal Officer
Manish Gupta
Manish Gupta
EVP, Engineering
Gregory Tusar
Gregory Tusar
VP, Institutional Product
Max Branzburg
Max Branzburg
VP, Product

Onze raad van bestuur

Brian Armstrong
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Fred Ehrsam
Co-Founder & Board Director
Fred Wilson
Lead Independent Director
Katie Haun
Board Director
Gokul Rajaram
Board Director
Marc Andreessen
Board Director
Kelly Kramer
Board Director
Tobias Lütke
Board Director

Wereldwijde Adviesraad

John Anzalone
Founder of Impact Research Polling
Dr. Mark T. Esper
Former Secretary of Defense; Chairman, National Security Practice, Red Cell Partners
Chris Lehane
Chief Strategy Officer at Haun Ventures
Stephanie Murphy
Former Congresswoman; Principal, Bridgelight Group LLC
George Osborne
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom
Tim Ryan
Former Congressman
Patrick Toomey
Former Senator
Frances Townsend
Frances Fragos Townsend Consulting, LLC
David Urban
Managing Director at BGR Group

Werken bij Coinbase

Onze missie is om de economische vrijheid in de wereld te vergroten. Sluit u bij ons aan en maak impact op wereldwijde schaal.

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Werken bij Coinbase

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