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How to buy Mask Network in Australia (AU)


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    What you’ll learn about Mask Network

  • Where and how you can buy Mask Network.

    We’ve included detailed instructions to make it easier for you to buy Mask Network.

  • Some market stats about Mask Network in Australia.

    This includes price analysis of Mask Network and other research opportunities you may be interested in.

  • Other crypto similar to Mask Network.

    And how to buy other crypto assets in Australia.

Price of Mask Network (24H)




When it comes to buying crypto like Mask Network, there are a lot of factors that come into play, such as location and protocol. Fortunately in Australia, you can buy Mask Network on Coinbase’s centralized exchange. Coinbase is the most trusted place for people and businesses to buy, sell, and manage Mask Network. It’s quick and easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to buy Mask Network.


  1. 1

    Create a Coinbase account

    Download the Coinbase app and start the sign up process. You will need a valid ID and may be asked for proof of address in order to transact, so be sure to have those ready. Verifying your ID may take longer than a few minutes, depending on where you live.

  1. 2

    Add a payment method

    Tap on the payment method box and connect a payment method. You can use a bank account, debit card or initiate a wire.

  1. 3

    Start a trade

    On, select Buy & Sell. On the Coinbase mobile app, tap the ( + ) Buy on the Home tab.

  1. 4

    Select Mask Network from list of assets

    On, click the Buy panel to search and select Mask Network. On the Coinbase mobile app, search for Mask Network by typing “Mask Network” into the search bar. When you see Mask Network appear in the results, tap it to open up the purchase screen.

  1. 5

    Enter the amount you want to buy

    Use the number pad to input the amount you want to spend in your local currency. The app will automatically convert that into a Mask Network amount. You can tap the arrow buttons to the right of the amount of money you want to spend to switch the number to the equivalent amount of Mask Network

  1. 6

    Finalize your purchase of Mask Network

    Tap “Preview buy” when ready. You’ll be shown the details of your purchase. Make sure everything looks good and then confirm your purchase by clicking “Buy now”.

  1. 7


    Once the order processes, you’ll be taken to the confirmation screen. That’s it, you’ve bought Mask Network.

Get MASK with Coinbase


Mask Network is on the decline this week.

The current price is A$4.25 per MASK with a 24-hour trading volume of A$94.33M. The price of Mask Network has decreased by 1.32% in the last hour and decreased by 5.95% in the past 24 hours. Mask Network’s price has also fallen by 17.94% in the past week. Currently, Mask Network is valued at 97.33% below its all time high of A$159.45. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Mask Network since its launch. The current circulating supply of Mask Network is 100,000,000 MASK which means that Mask Network has as total market cap of 100,000,000.

Among assets tradeable on Coinbase’s centralized exchange, Mask Network is ranked #196.

Market cap


Volume (24h)



100.0M MASK

Get MASK with Coinbase


Can I buy Mask Network on Coinbase?

Yes, Mask Network is currently available to buy on Coinbase's centralized exchange.

How much does it cost to buy Mask Network?

Right now, it costs about A$4.25 to buy of 1 Mask Network.

Can I buy Mask Network with cash?

You can buy Mask Network on Coinbase with an approved payment method, including a bank account, a debit card, or you can initiate a wire transfer.

How to buy Mask Network using PayPal?

Currently, only US customers are able to buy Mask Network or add US dollars using PayPal. All other customers are only able to use PayPal to cash out or sell, and transaction availability depends on region.

How to buy Mask Network with a gift card?

You can use a digital gift card purchased from online merchants to redeem on Coinbase accounts for the purchase of Mask Network. Gift cards are currently only available in the U.S. at this time (redemption excluded in Hawaii). For more information on how to use and redeem gift cards, check out our help center.

How much is the fee to buy Mask Network?

Coinbase may charge a fee to buy Mask Network. Fees are calculated at the time you place your order and may be determined by a combination of factors, including but not limited to your location, the selected payment, the size of the order, and market conditions such as volatility and liquidity. Fees for buying Mask Network will be listed in the trade preview screen before you submit your transaction and may differ for similar transactions.

How to buy Mask Network with credit card?

There are several payment methods you can use to buy Mask Network. A full list of payment methods and best use cases can be found in our help center. At this time, credit cards cannot be used to purchase Mask Network.

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