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Consejos y tutoriales

Encuentre respuestas útiles y paso a paso para todo lo relacionado con las criptomonedas

What are Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and how do they work?
Coinbase Tutorial

What are Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and how do they work?

TL;DR: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a method of gathering resources for cryptocurrenc...

What is the Ethereum Cancun upgrade?
Coinbase Tutorial

What is the Ethereum Cancun upgrade?

The Ethereum upgrade seeks to enhance scalability, security, and efficiency within the Eth...

What is a crypto whitelist?
Coinbase Tutorial

What is a crypto whitelist?

A crypto whitelist is a list of approved participants for a specific event in the cryptocu...

Why do NFTs matter for gamers?
Coinbase Tutorial

Why do NFTs matter for gamers?

NFTs aim to provide true ownership of in-game assets, enabling gamers to sell, monetize, a...

What is the difference between Optimistic Rollups and ZK-Rollups?
Coinbase Tutorial

What is the difference between Optimistic Rollups and ZK-Rollups?

Optimistic Rollups and ZK-Rollups are both Layer 2 scaling solutions for Ethereum, with th...

How to buy fan tokens?
Coinbase Tutorial

How to buy fan tokens?

Fan tokens are digital assets that provide holders with access to exclusive content, votin...

How to create a cryptocurrency?
Coinbase Tutorial

How to create a cryptocurrency?

The creation of a cryptocurrency involves understanding blockchain technology, consensus m...

How to use AI for crypto trading?
Coinbase Tutorial

How to use AI for crypto trading?

AI aims to enhance crypto trading by automating transactions, predicting market trends, an...

How to calculate Return on Investment (ROI)?
Coinbase Tutorial

How to calculate Return on Investment (ROI)?

TL;DR: ROA, or Return on Allocation, is a ratio that compares the gain or loss from an ass...

On-chain vs. off-chain cryptocurrency transactions: what is the difference?
Coinbase Tutorial

On-chain vs. off-chain cryptocurrency transactions: what is the difference?

On-chain transactions occur directly on the blockchain, providing a level of security and...

 Consejos de expertos: un exgerente de capital privado que ahora financia tecnología DeFi
Consejos de expertos

Consejos de expertos: un exgerente de capital privado que ahora financia tecnología DeFi

Ben Forman, socio gerente de ParaFi Capital, analiza algunos conceptos clave de las DeFi

Consejos de expertos: una fundadora de criptofondos
Consejos de expertos

Fundadora de criptofondos

En esta edición de Consejos de expertos, hablamos con Linda Xie, fundadora de Scalar Capit...

mobile device on blue background in the palm of a hand showing up notifications symbol and other pictograms
Tutorial en video

Cómo enviar criptomonedas

Aprenda cómo enviar criptomonedas a otra billetera, ya sea de un amigo, un familiar o una...

Dollar cost averaging
Tutorial en video

¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para invertir en criptomonedas?

¿Cómo saber cuándo comprar si los precios fluctúan? Obtén más información sobre cómo usar...

Una lupa se superpone a los gráficos de velas rojos y verdes
Tutorial en video

Cómo leer los gráficos de velas

Al investigar activos, es posible que se encuentre con una forma particular de gráfico de...


Cómo donar criptomonedas

Bitcoin, ETH y otras criptomonedas pueden hacer que tus donaciones tengan un mayor alcance...

Consejos de expertos: un inversionista que entró cuando Bitcoin valía $10
Consejos de expertos

Un inversionista que entró cuando Bitcoin valía $10

Ray Tong, un veterano de los negocios, comparte consejos prácticos para inversionistas nov...

Your crypto

Cómo invertir en criptomonedas con tu cuenta de jubilación

En los últimos años, Bitcoin y otras criptomonedas tuvieron un rápido surgimiento como una...

Umbrella shields from crypto coins and red candlesticks falling

Desde evitar el FOMO a tener un plan, estas son 5 formas clave de gestionar un ciclo de criptomonedas a la baja

Cómo minimizar tus pérdidas (e incluso tomar medidas más inteligentes) durante un mercado...

How to gift an NFT?
Your Crypto

How to gift an NFT?

The process of gifting an NFT involves three main steps: obtaining the recipient's wallet...

What is a crypto dusting attack, and how to avoid it?
Key Term

What is a crypto dusting attack, and how to avoid it?

A crypto dusting attack involves sending small quantities of cryptocurrency, known as dust...

How to backtest a crypto trading strategy?
Advanced Guide

How to backtest a crypto trading strategy?

Backtesting is a key step in developing a crypto trading strategy, offering insights into...

How to land an entry-level job in crypto?
Beginner's guide

How to land an entry-level job in crypto?

Securing an entry-level job in crypto necessitates a grasp of crypto fundamentals, acquiri...

What is a rug pull and how to avoid it?
Key Term

What is a rug pull and how to avoid it?

A rug pull is a scenario in the cryptocurrency world where developers abandon a project af...

What is a black swan event in crypto?
Your Crypto

What is an NFT swap order scam and how to avoid it?

NFT swap order scams involve deceiving individuals into exchanging valuable NFTs for ones...

How to use AI for crypto trading?
Beginner's guide

How to spot a scam in smart contract functions?

Smart contract functions are integral to blockchain interactions, but they can be manipula...

What is ERC-1155?
Advanced Guide

How to read smart contract data?

Smart contracts are autonomous digital agreements that play a pivotal role in cryptocurren...

What is a flash loan?
Beginner's guide

Bitcoin ATMs: how to use them and how do they work?

Bitcoin ATMs, or BTMs, are physical kiosks that facilitate transactions of Bitcoin in exch...

How to use AI for crypto trading?
Beginner's guide

Can cryptocurrency be hacked?

Cryptocurrencies utilize blockchain technology, which aims to be secure and resistant to h...

How to protect and pass on your crypto after death?
Wallet Guide

How to protect and pass on your crypto after death?

It's crucial to plan for the transfer of your crypto assets after death to prevent potenti...

Bitcoin Name Service (BNS) explained: a guide to .BTC domains

Bitcoin Name Service (BNS) explained: a guide to .BTC domains

Bitcoin Name Service (BNS) is a decentralized naming database that provides human-readable...