Конвертируйте и обменивайте NEAR Protocol NEAR на Bangladeshi Taka BDT
NEAR/BDT: 1 NEAR Protocol равно 384,67 BDT BDT
Последнее обновление: 18 февраля 2025 г. в 11:50
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Цена NEAR Protocol на этой неделе снижается.
Текущая цена NEAR Protocol — 384,67 BDT за NEAR. Объем NEAR в обращении составляет 1 185 165 436. Это означает, что общая рыночная капитализация NEAR Protocol равна 455 401 552 028,17 BDT. Объем торгов NEAR Protocol за последние 24 часа вырос на 3 982 551 928,45 BDT, это прирост на 17,47 %. За последний день объем торгов NEAR составил 22 799 338 098,97 BDT.
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О NEAR Protocol
NEAR — это нативный токен масштабируемой сети блокчейнов NEAR Protocol, которая обеспечивает удобную для разработчиков платформу децентрализованных приложений. Токены NEAR используются для уплаты комиссии сети, также их можно отправлять в стейкинг для повышения безопасности сети.
NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is a layer-one blockchain designed to function as a community-run cloud computing platform. It aims to address some of the limitations that have been challenging other blockchains, such as low transaction speeds, limited throughput, and poor interoperability. NEAR Protocol provides a conducive environment for decentralized applications (DApps) and strives to create a platform that is both developer and user-friendly. For example, NEAR uses human-readable account names, unlike the cryptographic wallet addresses common to other platforms. NEAR Protocol is being developed by the NEAR Collective, a community that is continually updating the initial code and releasing updates to the ecosystem.
NEAR Protocol operates using its unique consensus mechanism known as "Doomslug." It also employs its Nightshade technology to significantly improve transaction throughput. Nightshade is a variation of sharding, where individual sets of validators process transactions in parallel across multiple sharded chains, enhancing the overall capacity of the blockchain. NEAR Protocol aims to achieve up to 100,000 transactions per second and near-instant transaction finality thanks to a one-second block cadence, while keeping transaction fees virtually zero. Additionally, NEAR Protocol simplifies the onboarding process of other blockchains by having human-readable addresses and building decentralized applications with a similar registration flow to what users have already experienced.
NEAR Protocol is designed to manage high-value assets and make them useful for everyday people. It provides a platform for the development of various projects. For example, Flux, a protocol that allows developers to create markets based on assets, commodities, and real-world events, and Mintbase, a platform for minting non-fungible tokens (NFTs), are examples of projects being built on NEAR Protocol. The NEAR token is used for processing transactions and storing data, running validator nodes on the network via staking NEAR tokens, and for governance votes to determine how network resources are allocated.
NEAR Protocol was founded by Erik Trautman, Illia Polosukhin, and Alexander Skidanov. Erik Trautman is an entrepreneur with experience on Wall Street and the founder of Viking Education. Illia Polosukhin has over ten years of industry experience, including three years at Google. Alexander Skidanov is a computer scientist who worked at Microsoft and later joined memSQL, where he became the director of engineering. The NEAR Protocol team includes several International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) gold medalists and winners. NEAR Protocol launched its mainnet on April 22, 2020, with 1 billion NEAR tokens created at genesis.
Чем различаются NEAR Protocol и Bangladeshi Taka
NEAR Protocol and Bangladeshi Taka are two distinct forms of value exchange, each with unique characteristics. NEAR Protocol is a layer-one blockchain platform that aims to address limitations in transaction speeds, throughput, and interoperability found in other blockchains. It operates using a unique consensus mechanism known as "Doomslug" and employs Nightshade technology to improve transaction throughput. NEAR Protocol is designed to manage high-value assets and make them useful for everyday people, providing a platform for the development of various projects. On the other hand, the Bangladeshi Taka is the official currency of Bangladesh, a physical form of value exchange regulated by the Bangladesh Bank. Unlike NEAR Protocol, which is digital and operates on a decentralized network, the Taka is a centralized currency, subject to monetary policies and regulations set by the government. The Taka is used for all types of transactions within Bangladesh, while NEAR Protocol, with its focus on high-value assets, is used for processing transactions, storing data, running validator nodes, and governance votes within its network.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Сколько стоит 1 NEAR Protocol в BDT?
Прямо сейчас 1 NEAR Protocol стоит около 384,67 BDT.
Сколько NEAR я могу купить за 1 BDT?
Исходя из текущего курса, вы можете получить 0,0026 NEAR за 1 BDT.
Насколько изменилась цена NEAR Protocol ?
Цена NEAR Protocol снижается. Со вчерашнего дня обменный курс NEAR Protocol снизился. С прошлого месяца обменный курс NEAR Protocol снизился. С этого времени в прошлом году цена NEAR Protocol снизилась.
Как вычислить или конвертировать NEAR в BDT?
Вы можете использовать наш калькулятор NEAR в BDT, расположенный вверху этой страницы, чтобы перевести любое количество NEAR в BDT. Мы также создали несколько справочных таблиц для самых популярных конвертаций. Например, 5 BDT эквивалентно 0,013 NEAR. А 5 NEAR будет стоить около 1 923,37 BDT