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ZRX is now available to trade on Coinbase Pro (Updated)

ZRX trading on Coinbase Pro is now fully live. ZRX–USD, ZRX–BTC and ZRX–EUR order books are now in full trading mode. Limit, market and stop orders are all now available.

By David Farmer


, October 11, 2018

, 3 min read time

ZRX is now available to trade on Coinbase Pro (Updated)

ZRX is launching on Coinbase Pro

As of 10am PT on Thursday, October 11, we are now accepting deposits for ZRX on Coinbase Pro! We will accept deposits for at least 12 hours prior to enabling trading. Once sufficient liquidity is established, trading will begin on the ZRX/USD, ZRX/EUR and ZRX/BTC order books. ZRX trading will be accessible for users in most jurisdictions, but will not initially be available for residents of the state of New York.

Please also note that ZRX is not yet available through the website and in the Coinbase iOS and Android apps. We will make a separate announcement when that occurs.

The Stages of the ZRX Launch

In more detail, there will be four stages to the launch as outlined below. We will follow each of these stages independently for each new order book: ZRX/USD, ZRX/EUR and ZRX/BTC (note that at this time, we will not offer trading on the ZRX/GBP pair). If at any point one of the new order books does not meet our assessment for a healthy and orderly market, we may keep the book in one state for a longer period of time, or suspend trading as per our Trading Rules.

We will send tweets from our Coinbase Pro Twitter account as each order book moves through the following phases:

  1. Transfer-only. Starting at 10am PT on Thursday October 11, customers will be able to transfer ZRX into their Coinbase Pro account. Customers will not yet be able to place orders and no orders will be filled on these order books. Order books will be in transfer-only mode for at least 12 hours.

  2. Post-only. In the second stage, customers can post limit orders but there will be no matches (completed orders). Order books will be in post-only mode for a minimum of one minute. This market state has been shortened to increase market health during launch.

  3. Limit-only. In the third stage, limit orders will start matching but customers are unable to submit market orders. Order books will be in limit-only mode for a minimum of 10 minutes.

  4. Full trading. In the final stage, full trading services will be available, including limit, market, and stop orders.

One of the most common requests we receive from customers is to be able to trade more assets on our platform. With the recent announcement of our new listing process, our customers can expect us to list most assets over time that meet our standards.

You can sign up for a Coinbase Pro account here to start trading.

Update: Price granularity is restricted to 0.01 on the fiat books (USD/EUR). Because of the low per token price of the ZRX token, traders wishing to execute orders with greater precision may use the ZRX-BTC order book, which offers precision of 0.00000001 BTC.

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David Farmer

About David Farmer

David Farmer is Senior Director of International, leading both product and operations. He’s been at Coinbase since early 2015 and has led a number of teams including GDAX, Coinbase Pro and Prime, Business Operations & Strategy. Prior to Coinbase he was at Bain & Company.