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Welcome Craig Hammell to the team!

By Author


, June 20, 2013

, 1 min read time

I’m pleased to announce that Craig Hammell has the joined the Coinbase team as employee #2! (the first engineering hire outside of the founders)


It’s been a long time coming with our first engineering hire. After hundreds of resumes, 30 in person interviews, and several trial periods we finally pulled the trigger!

Before Coinbase, Craig spent four years as a developer at OkCupid (one of the top online dating websites, which also now accepts bitcoin). Before that he studied computer science at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

You’ve already seen his handy work on Coinbase if you’ve tried out paper wallets or our payment iframes for merchants (he launched both features during his trial period).

If you see Craig at one of our future events say hi. And if you’re curious what it’s like to work at Coinbase, head on over to our jobs page.

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