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Use Coinbase to Export Your Bitcoins to a Paper Wallet

By Author


, May 28, 2013

, 1 min read time

Today we’re adding a feature for advanced users to Coinbase — the ability to create and print paper wallets directly from your account.

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A paper wallet is a secure way to store your bitcoins offline. Your bitcoin address and private key are stored on paper, so that no one but the physical owner has access. The wallet can continue to be funded with more bitcoins by anyone via the public address (if you share it), but no one can withdraw from it without the printed private key.

The private key can be used later to import any bitcoins stored in a private wallet of yours back into Coinbase.

For your convenience, we also keep track of any paper wallets you’ve created so that you can follow the balance online. But don’t lose them — we don’t store the private key.

You can find the new Paper Wallet feature under Account Settings > Integrations in your Coinbase account. You can read more about paper wallets at the Bitcoin Wiki. Enjoy!

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