We’re big fans of reddit, and have long wanted an easy way to send people bitcoin “tips” through the site. When someone makes a particularly educational/funny/awesome comment, it would be great to send them a tiny amount of bitcoin — both to reward them and help spread awareness about bitcoin.
Luckily, Coinbase’s free micro-transactions make this possible. We spent some time thinking about how to make the process as simple as possible for people new to bitcoin, since this would be key to adoption outside of the main bitcoin sub-reddit.
Matt Corallo helped us out last week by putting together a Chrome Extension that brings it all together. You can install it by clicking here.
The extension adds a small “give bitcoin” link next to posts and comments when you visit reddit.
Try clicking a link and it will ask you to authenticate with your Coinbase account (or sign up if you don’t have one).
Once you’ve signed in you can now send bitcoin tips on reddit!
The recipient will get a private message on Reddit with a link to claim their funds the first time they receive a tip. Future tips will flow right into their Coinbase account (so they won’t get spammed with messages for every tip).
Any tips you send which go unclaimed will be returned to your account automatically after 60 days.
The code for BitTip is completely open source so feel free to check it out. It also makes use of the new tokens API call we added that lets you send people links which can be redeemed for bitcoin.
Install the Chrome Extension to get started and feel free to send us any feedback on the GitHub page for the project.