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Day 4 of 12 Days of Coinbase: Watchlist lets you customize your dashboard

By Author


, December 13, 2018

, 2 min read time


The crypto industry moves fast, and it can be hard to filter the signal from the noise every day. With watchlist, customers can click the star icon on any asset pages to indicate you’re interested in those cryptocurrencies, and your dashboard will feature key information about those assets on a new Following tab.


We also know that historic pricing charts aren’t for everyone. Once you’ve created your watchlist, you decide what asset information is most helpful to view first. Choose traditional price charts or a list of market data. If you’re no longer interested in a particular asset, un-starring will remove it from your watchlist.


This feature isn’t limited to the assets formally supported on Coinbase. Once logged in, customers can star any of the assets featured on our informational prices page. Additionally, we’ve increased the precision of our price charts, added a feed of industry news articles and we’re experimenting with price summary widgets on the dashboard.


Over the past 6 months, we’ve made several investments in customers’ logged-in experience. Each new feature serves a greater purpose: to give customers the ability to tailor the Coinbase app to their crypto interests. We look forward to building more features that make your dashboard more personal.

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