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DailySteals Offers Bitcoin-Only Deals

By Author


, November 19, 2014

, 1 min read time

Add “exclusivity” to the list of reasons why it’s great to use bitcoin. DailySteals is now offering discounted products that can only be purchased with bitcoin.


DailySteals specializes in delivering discounted products, offering new deals every 24 hours. They recently started an Experiment Series which aims to disrupt the daily deal industry through unique buying experiences. As a part of this series, DailySteals has partnered with Coinbase to offer limited time deals at a discount that can only be purchased with bitcoin.


Over the course of the experiment, DailySteals will keep half of its proceeds in bitcoin. Stay tuned for a full analysis of the initiative which will be posted on the DailySteals blog in the coming weeks.

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